C1R: Prognosis in AML

Epigenetic aberrations play a central role in the pathophysiology of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Recently, it has been demonstrated that DNA-methylation (DNAm) at a single CpG site in the gene of complement component 1 subcomponent R (C1R) is indicative for overall survival in AML. Cygenia provides the analysis of the DNA-methylation level at C1R for physicians and scientists to gain better insight into disease development. 


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DNA-methylation at C1R has prognostic relevance in AML.


Furthermore, DNA-methylation in C1R is associated with the occurrence of specific genomic mutations in AML. There is evidence that DNAm at C1R is an independent prognostic marker from cytogenetic and molecular risk scores. It may be indicative for treatment response, particularly to drugs acting directly on DNA-methylation – but this needs to be addressed in further studies. Taken together, analysis of DNAm at C1R provides a simple and cost-effective biomarker for risk assessment in AML. Please note that this service is so far for research use only.


Area of application

These assays are developed for physicians and scientists. If the doctor in charge wants to consider these new methods to support diagnosis of individual patients, this approach may be valuable – however, it has to be noted that the validity of this new method still requires further research. So far, this service is for research use only.


Relevant literature

Bozic T, Lin Q, et al. DNA-Methylation in C1R is a Prognostic Biomarker for Acute Myeloid LeukemiaClinical Epigenetics, 2015.

Patent application: 2015; EP1519142.5