Legal Notice

The portals and are products of Cygenia GmbH.

Cygenia GmbH
Am alten Kalkwerk 14
52078 Aachen
(Please note that the address for shipment of samples may be different)


Register court and tax ID

Register court: Aachen, HRB 18918

Registered office is Aachen, Germany

Tax number: 201/5951/5766

Trade ID: DE294881566

Bank account

Sparkasse Aachen

IBAN: DE71 3905 0000 1072 1496 18


CEO: Wolfgang Wagner

Legally responsible for the contents: Wolfgang Wagner

Information on data protection

You can find information on data protection according to the General Data Protection Regulation under this Link.

Legal Notice

© Copyright 2021, Cygenia GmbH, Aachen, Germany

Cygenia GmbH continuously checks and updates all information contained in this website. Nevertheless, all information is subject to change and may become obsolete. Therefore Cygenia GmbH cannot assume any liability or guarantee for the timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. This also applies to other websites that may be accessed through hyperlinks. Cygenia GmbH assumes no responsibility for the contents of websites that can be accessed through such links. Contents and structure of this website are copyright protected. Reproduction of information or data content, in particular the use of text (whether in full or in part), pictures or graphics, requires the prior written permission of Cygenia GmbH.


Cygenia is a registered trademark of Cygenia GmbH. Pyrosequencing and Pyrogram are registered trademarks of Qiagen. Registered names, trademarks, etc. used in the cygenia website, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law.